HQE Residential Certification for your residential building projects


CERQUAL Qualitel Certification delivers the HQE Residential certification for residential building projects worldwide.

What are the 9 benefits of the HQE Residential certification for residential buildings ?

  1. Lower operating costs
  2. Energy, water and waste management
  3. Control in terms of quality, costs and deadlines thanks to the management system
  4. Improvement of the quality of life for the final residents
  5. Health risks reduction and in some cases lower insurance costs
  6. Increase of the asset value and longevity of the building
  7. Optimization of sales and renting conditions
  8. Recognition of the project owner as a responsible actor
  9. Use of the HQE French brand with recognized expertise in the world

The HQE Residential certification is the best way to recognize an exemplary building or urban planning and development project, while meeting the significant challenges of a human approach to sustainable cities.

The HQE Residential certification responds to a general objective of providing new, healthy and comfortable housing and thus ensuring a better living environment while limiting impacts of the building on the environment.

What is the HQE Residential certification ?

A new certification version, HQE Residential, has been launched on February 1st, 2023. This new version is in line with the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) promoted by the UN and also incorporates emerging themes and issues : energy efficiency, low carbon, adaptation to climate change, water, biodiversity, circular economy.

The HQE certification scheme covers the design and construction phases of residential buildings (new construction or refurbishment). It allows to recognize buildings whose environmental and energy performances are conform to current best practices.

In addition to these new themes, HQE Residential is adapted to local specificities. For example, the « Taxonomy profile » allows to building owners in Europe to justify the complete alignment of its operations with the criteria of the European taxonomy.

The HQE Residential certification applies to housing under construction, renovation and in operation.

This certification is issued following audits that consider :

  • Project environmental management (PEM)
  • The services offered by the project owner to purchasers
  • the Environmental Performance of the Building, assessed according to 3 commitments : Quality of life (safety, indoor air quality, water quality, resilience, functional spaces, hygrothermal comfort, acoustic comfort, visual comfort, services and transport, connected building), respect for the environment (energy, water consumption, land use, raw material resources, waste, climate change, low nuisance worksite, biodiversity) and economic performance (maintenance, Consumption and responsible production)

How to obtain the HQE Residential certification ?

3 audits along the project phases : 1 pre-project audit (optional) – 1 design audit – 1 execution audit.

This process covers all residential building project phases : before execution, during design and execution.

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Principles and roles of actors in a project targetting a HQE Residential certification

The  HQE Residential certification Body : CERQUAL Qualitel Certification is a third party, fully independant of project’s stakeholders. He coordinates  the entire certification project from contractualisation to issuing of the certificate.

The HQE Residential auditor : He is an independent professional appointed by the Certification body. He is in charge of auditing the building project and validates or not the requirements of the HQE Residential certification according to the rules and  certification scheme

HQE Residential  by Qualitel Certification : It’s the certification mark which attests that the operation is in compliance with all the requirements of the HQE Residential certification.

The HQE Residential referent : He is a professional accredited for his ability to assist project owners in their HQE Residential certification process. His skills and abilities have been recognised by CERQUAL Qualitel Certification after training and examination. He is appointed by the project owner independently of the certification body.

To become an HQE Residential referent, contact us

In which countries is issued the HQE Residential certification ?

The HQE Residential certification can be delivered in every countries : it has been built to easily take into account the specific characteristics of each country without questioning performance.

CERQUAL Qualitel Certification is the HQE Residential operator for all countries (and in partnership with Fundaçao Vanzolini -FCAV- in Brazil)

Which professionals can be interested in an HQE Residential certification ?

The HQE Residential certification offered by CERQUAL Qualitel Certification allows all stakeholders involved in residential construction to emphasise their commitment to sustainable development :

  • Real estate developers, investors and managers.
  • Institutions and local authorities
  • Urban developers
  • Architects and engineers
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